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U.S to ban Tiktok as soon as possible, says President Donald Trump!

U.S ban tiktok says Donald Trump

              U.S going to ban tiktok!

USA: US President Donald Trump looks set to ban tiktok as soon as Possible from us, because it's going to cause Several Security threat arises from Chinese Intelligence.

There is worry around whether this data if push came to shove would ever be shared with the chinese government and that is the thing really that tiktok has now features a huge existential problem because at the instant there are lots of people in the west who are very nervous about china and having that connection with china isn't particularly good for business and this is often all happening after three years of phenomenal growth for tiktok it has been downloaded more than two billion times. It also generated the foremost downloads for any app ever but last week its largest market india banned it along side 58 other chinese apps that appears connected to the border clash with china within the galwan valley during which 20 indian soldiers died.

U.S ban tiktok, says Donald Trump
The Indian government though claims these chinese apps are using data illegally and that they seem to be a threat to india's national security and on top of that now tiktok is facing the prospect of losing the u.s which is in fact another huge market. tiktok's business model clearly it's to expand the maximum amount as possible into countries round the world and they want to possess an enormous presence in the west, europe and they also need to possess a big presence within the u.s. 
U.S ban tiktok, says Donald Trump

If you check out the potential there for some of tiktok's biggest markets to be affected. Now the recent meeting held at Air Force One, Trump says he will act to ban Tiktok from U.S of America as soon as Saturday using his economy power or executive order. washington is additionally considering banning tiktok because it'd follow chinese government's rules to turn over users data. Let's wait to ascertain how other countries will react there to and the way China react there to. Stay tuned with us!   

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